Some people appear to be born with an exceptional entrepreneurial vision and discover their business expertise at an early age: More than 65 years ago, Dieter Fuchs brought pepper and salt in small bags to customers by bicycle. But only a few live their lives full of curiosity and have the courage to put unconventional ideas into practice. For many decades, Dieter Fuchs has driven the company with precisely such an entrepreneurial vision. His enthusiasm, his will to work hard and his entrepreneurial foresight still shape the identity of Fuchs employees and a unique company history today.
The company, that Dieter Fuchs in 1952 in a small rented room in Dissen am Teutoburger Wald with three employees started, became Germany's largest spice company. The way there was shaped by many bold decisions and the needed sensitivity for the people and the requirements of the market.
Today, 3,200 employees work in nine countries on four continents worldwide with passion and all their energies to continue the history of the Fuchs Gruppe – every day anew. Hereby, the company’s roots will be and have been since the foundation of the company Dissen am Teutoburger Wald in Lower Saxony. That is the home of the compnay holding – by the countryside as it should be for a modest Hidden Champion. From here the company is strategically led and oriented towards different target markets. As well as the headquarters in Dissen am Teutoburger Wald, we have branches in Germany in Abtswind (Bavaria), Hamlar (Bavaria), Melle (Lower Saxony) and Schönbrunn (Schleusegrund, Thuringia). Moreover, we have our own locations in Brazil, China, France, Great Britain, Italy, Romania and the USA.